Our Practice Papers and Answers
The test papers we’ve shared above are in a similar style to GL papers and those typically delivered as 11 Plus assessments by Caistor Grammar School.
New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.
Other GL Sample Papers and Answers
Verbal Reasoning Paper 1
Verbal Reasoning Paper 2
Verbal Reasoning Paper 3
The 11 Plus test papers we’ve shared above are in a similar style to those typically delivered as 11 Plus assessments by Caistor Grammar School.
About the School
Address — Caistor Grammar School, Church Street, Caistor, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN7 6QJ
Type of school — Mixed Grammar School
Cost — Free
Pupils in school — 700+
Places available in year 7 — 100+
Average applicants per place — 4 or more
Catchment area — Caistor Grammar School’s catchment area places priority on students who live within 6.5 miles in a straight line distance from the Headmaster’s Office to the applicant’s residence.
Oversubscription policy — Candidates will only be considered eligible for admission if they are deemed to be of selective ability as a result of the testing process, with a score of 220 or above.
Where qualifying applications for admission exceed the number of places available, places will be determined as follows:
Qualified candidates who are in Public Care (Looked After Children).
Qualified candidates who reside (the Governors define being resident as sleeping at least 5 nights out of every seven during Term Time) and whose principal residency is within 6.5 miles in a straight line distance from the Headmaster’s Office to the applicant’s residence-Lincolnshire Authority will use the Post Office address for the applicant’s residence.
Qualified children who do not fall into the above categories in order of entry exam scores (highest first).
In the case of over subscription in any category, the following criteria shall apply:
The school will calculate the mean rank position and, if there is still a tie, we shall take the highest individual score on the written test. If a tie still exists, we take the least number of mistakes made on the written paper, then the raw mark on the written paper and finally the raw mark overall.
School Summary
Caistor Grammar School was established in 1630 and is a mixed grammar school in Caistor, Lincolnshire. It is one of the top-performing schools in the area and entry is competitive. It became an academy in 2012. The school is the only grammar school in Lincolnshire that is not part of the Lincolnshire Consortium. Therefore, it’s 11 Plus exam is administered by the school itself.
Caistor Grammar School commonly ranks highly in its performance at GCSE and A Level. It has gained 95-100% 5 A* to C grades in recent years. The school specialises in sports and humanities. It has also been named as a High Performing Specialist School.
Find the most recent Ofsted reports here.
Compare this school’s performance with other local schools here.
Exam Information
Exam style: GL Assessment.
Exam types:
Verbal Reasoning
Number of exams — 2
Pass mark — 220 (The scores from both tests are combined and must equal at least 220 to be considered eligible for entry).
Other exam information:
One of the tests will be multiple choice and the other written, where students have to write and explain their answers in full.
A 15-minute practice paper will be given before the exam begins to familiarise students with the types of questions.
Scores will be standardised.
Please note all grammar schools in Lincolnshire except this school sit the same exam. If you are applying for Caistor Grammar School and any other Grammar School in Lincolnshire, your child will have to sit two different exams.
Contact information
Website — https://www.caistorgrammar.com/
Contact — https://www.caistorgrammar.com/contact/
Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/Caistor-Grammar-School-113362540357207/
Twitter — https://twitter.com/caistor_gs
Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/235617320/united-kingdom/caistor/caistor-grammar-school/
YouTube — https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Qj6aNylPFWstDbuR4REPg
LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/company/caistor-grammar-school/
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