
Free 11 Plus (11+) Practice Papers and Answers | The Cedars School Guide

Our 11+ Papers and Answers

The papers we’ve shared below are in similar style to those typically delivered as 11 plus assessments by The Cedars School.


Test Paper

Model Answers

Mark Scheme


Test Paper


New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.

Other Practice Papers and Answers

The Cedars School’s English Sample Paper

Sample Paper

The Cedars School’s Maths Sample Paper

Sample Paper

Exam Information

Exam style — School’s own exams

Exam types:

  • English

  • Maths

Exam length — 2x 1 hour exams.

Pass mark —  There is no fixed pass mark for the exam however the school only offers about 44 places each September for Year 7 entry.

Other exam information:

  • There is a non-refundable registration fee of £100.

  • Students are assessed based on a combination of factors including the exams, an interview and a reference from the child’s current school.

  • Offer letters are sent out in February.

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your child’s vocabulary one word at a time.

You can find all episodes of The Exam Coach Podcast on:

Free 11 Plus (11+) Practice Papers and Answers | University College School Hampstead Guide

Our 11+ Papers and Answers

The papers we’ve shared below are in similar style to those typically delivered as 11 plus assessments by University College School Hampstead.


Test Paper

Model Answers

Mark Scheme


Test Paper


New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.

Exam Information

Exam style — School’s own exam.

Exam types:

  • Maths

  • English

Pass mark — There is no fixed pass mark for the exam.

Exam Lengths — 2x 75 minute exams.

Other exam information

  • The maths paper is split into three sections: multiple choice, Core mathematics and maths problem-solving.

  • The English paper is made up of two sections: (reading comprehension (45 minutes) and creative writing (30 minutes).

  • The exams’ content matches the KS"2 National Curriculum.

  • There is a £150 registration fee required as part of the admissions process.

For information on University College School Hampstead’s use of the ISEB Common Pre-Test for Year 9 entry, click here.

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your child’s vocabulary one word at a time.

You can find all episodes of The Exam Coach Podcast on:

Free 11 Plus (11+) ISEB Pre-Test Practice Papers and Answers | Mill Hill School Guide

Our Practice Papers and Answers

The papers we’ve shared below contain similar content to the ISEB pre-test papers typically delivered as 11 Plus pre-test assessments by Mill Hill School.


Test Paper

Answering Booklet



Test Paper

Answering Booklet



Test Paper

Answering Booklet


New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.

ISEB Pre-Test Familiarisation Test

Online Practice Test

Exam Information

Exam style — ISEB Common Pre-Test.

Exam types:

  • English (reading comprehension, sentence completion, spelling and punctuation).

  • Maths (in line with the National Curriculum up to Year 5).

  • Verbal reasoning (common words, antonyms, word combinations, letter transfer, number codes, etc.).

  • Non-verbal reasoning (shape analogies, classes like, horizontal codes, etc.).

Exam length — 4 exams totalling 2.5 hours.

Pass mark —  There is not a fixed pass mark for the admissions test. On completion of the test, all candidates receive an age-adjusted and standardised score. The average score is 100. Schools will also be able to see each child’s score and the time taken for each section of the test.

If a child does well in their 11+ pre-test, they will usually be offered a place, contingent on them then passing the common entrance exam at 13+.

Other exam information

  • The tests cover English, maths, verbal reasoning and non-verbal reasoning separately.

  • All tests are completed online.

  • All questions are in multiple-choice format.

  • The English test takes 25 minutes, mathematics 50 minutes, non-verbal reasoning 32 minutes and verbal reasoning 36 minutes.

  • The four tests can either be taken together or at separate times. They can be taken in the candidate's own school, at the senior school for which he or she is entered or at an independent testing centre.

  • All candidates are registered by the senior school(s) for which they are entered.

  • Test results are available to all senior schools which register the same candidate and therefore a candidate need only sit the tests once for a range of senior schools.

  • An assessment fee of £24 applies and is non-refundable.

For information on Mill Hill School’s use of school’s own testing for Year 7 entry, click here.

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your child’s vocabulary one word at a time.

You can find all episodes of The Exam Coach Podcast on:

Free 11 Plus (11+) Practice Papers and Answers | Falcons School Guide

11+ Papers and Answers

The papers we’ve shared above are in a similar style to those typically delivered as 11 plus assessments by Falcons School.


Online Test

New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.

Exam Information

Exam style — School’s own exam.

Exam types:

  • Online Reasoning Assessment (similar to CEM Select).

Exam length — Unknown.

Pass mark — There is no fixed pass mark for the admissions test.

Other exam and entry information

  • Applications require a non-refundable fee of £100. A copy of the applicant’s birth certificate is required with the application.

  • The assessment exam and taster day both take place in the November of year 6.

  • Applicants will be invited to sit an interview with a senior leadership member as part of the assessment process.

  • Falcons School will request an updated report from the applicant’s current school.

  • The acceptance letters will be sent out by the end of April and must be returned by the specified closing date along with a deposit fee of £1000.

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your child’s vocabulary one word at a time.

You can find all episodes of The Exam Coach Podcast on:

Free 11 Plus (11+) Practice Papers and Answers | Normanhurst School Guide

Our 11+ Papers and Answers

The papers we’ve shared below are in similar style to those typically delivered as 11 plus assessments by Normanhurst School.


Test Paper

Model Answers

Mark Scheme


Test Paper


New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.

Exam Information

Exam style — School’s own exam.

Exam types:

  • English

  • Maths

  • Non-verbal reasoning

Exam length — Unknown

Pass mark —  There is no fixed pass mark for the admissions tests but there are only around 32 spaces available in year 7 each year.

Other exam information:

  • Entrance Exams are followed by an interview for each pupil and their parents.

  • Interviews asses the pupil’s potential and ability to contribute to the school.

  • Reports from the pupil’s current school are assessed as part of the application process.

  • There is a non-refundable application fee of £50.

  • Exams take place in the January (main exam) and March (second exam) of year 6.

  • Results are sent out in February.

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your child’s vocabulary one word at a time.

You can find all episodes of The Exam Coach Podcast on:

Free 11 Plus (11+) Practice Papers and Answers | Queen’s College, London Guide

11+ Papers and Answers

Queen’s College, London is part of the London 11+ Consortium. No previous or sample papers have been released for this examination apart from the familiarisation test below

London 11+ Consortium Familiarisation Test

Online Test

New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.

Exam Information

Exam style ATOM Learning’s online assessment for the London Consortium.

Number of exams — 1.

Exam types:

  • Maths

  • Non-Verbal Reasoning

  • English Comprehension

  • Verbal Reasoning

  • Problem Solving

  • Analysis

Exam length — 140 minutes (with a 30-minute break). This will be broken down into:

  • 20 minutes of maths.

  • 10 minutes of non-verbal reasoning.

  • 30 minutes of English comprehension and verbal reasoning.

  • 30-minute break.

  • 15 minutes of problem-solving.

  • 25 minutes for the final analysis component.

Interviews — Children who perform well in the entrance tests are called back for interview; reports from current schools are also taken into account.

Other exam and entry information

  • The 11+ tests take place in the December of Year 6. Students will sit the tests in their current school.

  • The exam is fully online. An onscreen timer will count down how many minutes remain in each section.

  • Questions will be based on the National Curriculum for Year 5, but with opportunities for additional challenge built into the assessment.

  • New questions to assess problem-solving and analysis skills have been added for 2022.

    • The problem-solving section will test a child’s ability to use words and numbers to solve problems with multiple steps.

    • The analysis component asks candidates to use information from a variety of different given sources, in order to answer questions. The context of this section is likely to be unfamiliar to all candidates but in the event of a candidate being familiar with the context, they will not have any advantage.

  • The first three sections of the exam before the break will be adaptive, meaning questions change and are tailored to the student's performance in previous questions. The last two sections of the exam are non-adaptive, and all students will receive the same questions.

  • A non-refundable fee of £150 is charged to sit the 11+ entrance exam for Queen’s College, London.

  • Registrations must be submitted by the end of November when your child is in Year 6.

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your child’s vocabulary one word at a time.

You can find all episodes of The Exam Coach Podcast on:

Free 11 Plus (11+) ISEB Pre-Test Practice Papers and Answers | St Dunstan's College Guide

Our Practice Papers and Answers

The papers we’ve shared below contain similar content to the ISEB pre-test papers typically delivered as 11 Plus pre-test assessments by St Dunstan's College.


Test Paper

Answering Booklet



Test Paper

Answering Booklet



Test Paper

Answering Booklet


New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.

ISEB Pre-Test Familiarisation Test

Online Practice Test

Exam Information

Exam style — ISEB Common Pre-Test.

Exam types:

  • English (reading comprehension, sentence completion, spelling and punctuation).

  • Maths (in line with the National Curriculum up to Year 5).

  • Verbal reasoning (common words, antonyms, word combinations, letter transfer, number codes, etc.).

  • Non-verbal reasoning (shape analogies, classes like, horizontal codes, etc.).

Exam length — 4 exams totalling 2.5 hours.

Pass mark —  There is not a fixed pass mark for the admissions test. On completion of the test, all candidates receive an age-adjusted and standardised score. The average score is 100. Schools will also be able to see each child’s score and the time taken for each section of the test.

If a child does well in their 11+ pre-test, they will usually be offered a place, contingent on them then passing the common entrance exam at 13+.

Other exam information

  • The tests cover English, maths, verbal reasoning and non-verbal reasoning separately.

  • All tests are completed online.

  • All questions are in multiple-choice format.

  • The English test takes 25 minutes, mathematics 50 minutes, non-verbal reasoning 32 minutes and verbal reasoning 36 minutes.

  • The four tests can either be taken together or at separate times. They can be taken in the candidate's own school, at the senior school for which he or she is entered or at an independent testing centre.

  • All candidates are registered by the senior school(s) for which they are entered.

  • Test results are available to all senior schools which register the same candidate and therefore a candidate need only sit the tests once for a range of senior schools.

  • An assessment fee of £24 applies and is non-refundable.

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your child’s vocabulary one word at a time.

You can find all episodes of The Exam Coach Podcast on:

Free 11 Plus (11+) Practice Papers and Answers | The Latymer School Guide

Our Practice Papers and Answers


Test Paper

Model Answers

Mark Scheme


Test Paper

Answering Booklet


The papers we’ve shared above are in a similar style to GL/independent papers and those typically delivered as 11 Plus assessments by The Latymer School.

New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form at the top of the page.

Other Sample Papers and Answers

Maths Paper 1

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Maths Paper 2

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Maths Paper 3

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Verbal Reasoning Paper 1

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Verbal Reasoning Paper 2

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Verbal Reasoning Paper 3

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


English Paper 1

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Creative Writing Mark Scheme

English Paper 2

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Creative Writing Mark Scheme

The papers we’ve shared above are in a similar style to those typically delivered as 11 Plus assessments by The Latymer School.

About the School


Address — The Latymer School, Haselbury Road, London, N9 9TN

Type of school — Mixed grammar school 

Headteacher — Mrs Maureen Cobbett

Cost — Free

Pupils in school — 1394

Places available in year 7 —  192

Average applicants per place — 10 or more.

Please note this school is heavily over subscribed. In 2016 there were 1974 applications.

Catchment area —  The Latymer School does have a catchment area but places preference on 11+ test grades. The schools ‘Inner Area’ consists of the following postcode areas:

 E2, E4, E5, E8, E9, E17

EN1, EN2, EN3, EN4, EN5 (Sectors 1, 2, 4, 5 only), EN8 (Sectors 7, 8, 9 only)

N1 (not N1C), N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9, N10, N11, N12, N13, N14, N15, N16, N17, N18, N19, N20, N21, N22

There is no preference within this list.

Over-subscription policy —  Where qualifying applications for admission exceed the number of places available, places will be allocated in the following order of priority out of the top 650 highest-scoring applicants:

  1. Applicants who are or have been Looked After Children (both in and outside of England).

  2. Children who qualify for Pupil Premium, with written confirmation of this (up to 20 places).

  3. Children who show “exceptional musical talent”* and placed within the top 900 in the 11+ tests.

  4. Children who live in the inner area in rank order.

  5. Children who live outside the inner area in rank order.

  6. Applicants will be admitted on the basis of proximity to the school measured in a straight line from the home address. 

*”Exceptional Musical Talent” must be demonstrated at a music audition. This can be any instrument or voice. Applicants should usually have achieved at least Grade 5 distinction level and have previous experience.  

Please note, a music application form must be sent off to the school before the 11+ tests to apply for these spaces.

School Summary

The Latymer School was established in 1624 and is a mixed, selective grammar school in North London. Every year, 20 places are given to children with ‘exceptional musical talent’. The school specialises in art, drama and music. 

The school has won many awards including the international schools award. The Latymer School often features near the top of league tables and it  is considered one of the UK’s top state schools.

Ofsted rated this school as ‘outstanding’ in 2008. Find their reports here.

Compare this school’s performance with other local schools here.

Exam Information

Exam style: GL and school written testing. 

Exam types:

  • English (school written)

  • Mathematics (GL)

  • Verbal Reasoning (GL)

Exam length — 2 x 1 hour exams 

Other exam information:

  • There are two papers. One covers Maths and Verbal Reasoning, the other English.

  • The English paper is split into 2x 30 minute sections — one for comprehension and the other for a longer piece of creative writing.

  • The Maths and Verbal Reasoning paper is set by the GL exam board. The English exam is set by the school.

  • The Maths and Verbal Reasoning paper is multiple choice.

  • The Maths and Verbal Reasoning paper will be marked first. Only the top-scoring 650 applicants will have their English paper marked.

Scores will be standardised.

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your child’s vocabulary one word at a time.

Free 11 Plus (11+) Practice Papers and Answers | Mill Hill School Guide

11+ Papers and Answers

The papers we’ve shared above are in a similar style to those typically delivered as 11 plus assessments by Mill Hill School, London.


Online Test


Test Paper

Model Answers

Mark Scheme

New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.

Exam Information

Exam style — CEM Select.

Exam types:

  • CEM Select (verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning and numerical reasoning)

  • Creative Writing

Exam length — 75 minutes (CEM Select) + 30 minutes creative writing.

Pass mark — There is no fixed pass mark for the admissions test.

Other exam and entry information

  • Applications are required by early November along with a non-refundable fee of £150.

  • The entrance assessments are held in early November. You will either be given a morning or afternoon slot.

  • Applicants will be interviewed in the January. Successful applicants will be invited to sit a 30 minutes group interview with a senior staff member.

  • Following interview, applicants will sit the creative writing assignment.

  • Mill Hill will request a reference and report from the applicant's current school.

  • The acceptance letters will be sent out after the assessment process is complete—a deposit fee of £2000 is required with the acceptance letter.

For information on Mill Hill School’s use of the ISEB Common Pre-Test for Year 9 entry, click here.

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your child’s vocabulary one word at a time.

You can find all episodes of The Exam Coach Podcast on:

Free 11 Plus (11+) ISEB Pre-Test Practice Papers and Answers | Wimbledon High School Guide

Our Practice Papers and Answers

The papers we’ve shared below contain similar content to the ISEB pre-test papers typically delivered as 11 Plus pre-test assessments by Wimbledon High School.


Test Paper

Answering Booklet



Test Paper

Answering Booklet



Test Paper

Answering Booklet


New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.

ISEB Pre-Test Familiarisation Test

Online Practice Test

Exam Information

Exam style — ISEB Common Pre-Test.

Exam types:

  • English (reading comprehension, sentence completion, spelling and punctuation).

  • Maths (in line with the National Curriculum up to Year 5).

  • Verbal reasoning (common words, antonyms, word combinations, letter transfer, number codes, etc.).

  • Non-verbal reasoning (shape analogies, classes like, horizontal codes, etc.).

Exam length — 4 exams totalling 2.5 hours.

Pass mark —  There is not a fixed pass mark for the admissions test. On completion of the test, all candidates receive an age-adjusted and standardised score. The average score is 100. Schools will also be able to see each child’s score and the time taken for each section of the test.

If a child does well in their 11+ pre-test, they will usually be offered a place, contingent on them then passing the common entrance exam at 13+.

Other exam information

  • The tests cover English, maths, verbal reasoning and non-verbal reasoning separately.

  • All tests are completed online.

  • All questions are in multiple-choice format.

  • The English test takes 25 minutes, mathematics 50 minutes, non-verbal reasoning 32 minutes and verbal reasoning 36 minutes.

  • The four tests can either be taken together or at separate times. They can be taken in the candidate's own school, at the senior school for which he or she is entered or at an independent testing centre.

  • All candidates are registered by the senior school(s) for which they are entered.

  • Test results are available to all senior schools which register the same candidate and therefore a candidate need only sit the tests once for a range of senior schools.

  • An assessment fee of £24 applies and is non-refundable.

For information on Wimbledon High School’s use of school’s own testing for Year 7 entry, click here.

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your child’s vocabulary one word at a time.

You can find all episodes of The Exam Coach Podcast on:

Free 11 Plus (11+) Practice Papers and Answers | City of London School For Girls Guide

Our 11+ Papers and Answers

The papers we’ve shared below are in similar style to the stage two exams typically delivered as 11 plus assessments by City of London School For Girls.


Test Paper

Model Answers

Mark Scheme


Test Paper


New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.

Other Practice Papers and Answers


Online Test

Sample Stage 2 English Paper 2021

Exam Paper

Sample Stage 2 Maths Paper 2021

Exam Paper

Exam Information

Exam style — CEM Select and school’s own testing.

Exam types:

  • English

  • Maths

  • Verbal reasoning

  • Non-verbal reasoning

  • Numerical reasoning

Exam length:

  • Stage one — 1 hour

  • Stage two — 2x 45 minute exams

Pass mark —  There is not a fixed pass mark for the admissions test but only around 350 pupils are invited back for the second assessment stage.

Other exam information:

  • Girls in year 5 can register for the entry exam.

  • There is a registration fee of £125 which is non-refundable.

  • There are two stages of entrance exams. The first (CEM select) is held in November and the second (school’s own) is held in January.

  • Upon passing the first exam, you may be invited to the second stage.

  • An interview is also required before an offer can be made.

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your child’s vocabulary one word at a time.

You can find all episodes of The Exam Coach Podcast on:

Free 11 Plus (11+) Practice Papers and Answers | St. Helen’s School Guide

11+ Papers and Answers

St. Helen’s School is part of the London 11+ Consortium. No previous or sample papers have been released for this examination apart from the familiarisation test below


Online Test

New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.

Exam Information

Exam style ATOM Learning’s online assessment for the London Consortium.

Number of exams — 1.

Exam types:

  • Maths

  • Non-Verbal Reasoning

  • English Comprehension

  • Verbal Reasoning

  • Problem Solving

  • Analysis

Exam length — 140 minutes (with a 30-minute break). This will be broken down into:

  • 20 minutes of maths.

  • 10 minutes of non-verbal reasoning.

  • 30 minutes of English comprehension and verbal reasoning.

  • 30-minute break.

  • 15 minutes of problem-solving.

  • 25 minutes for the final analysis component.

Interviews — Children who perform well in the entrance tests are called back for interview; reports from current schools are also taken into account.

Other exam and entry information

  • The 11+ tests take place in the December of Year 6. Students will sit the tests in their current school.

  • The exam is fully online. An onscreen timer will count down how many minutes remain in each section.

  • Questions will be based on the National Curriculum for Year 5, but with opportunities for additional challenge built into the assessment.

  • New questions to assess problem-solving and analysis skills have been added for 2022.

    • The problem-solving section will test a child’s ability to use words and numbers to solve problems with multiple steps.

    • The analysis component asks candidates to use information from a variety of different given sources, in order to answer questions. The context of this section is likely to be unfamiliar to all candidates but in the event of a candidate being familiar with the context, they will not have any advantage.

  • The first three sections of the exam before the break will be adaptive, meaning questions change and are tailored to the student's performance in previous questions. The last two sections of the exam are non-adaptive, and all students will receive the same questions.

  • A non-refundable fee of £100 is charged to sit the 11+ entrance exam for St. Helen’s School.

  • Registrations must be submitted by the end of November when your child is in Year 6.

Other Resources

Further information and key dates can be found here:

11+ Admissions for St. Helen’s School

The London 11+ Consortium

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your child’s vocabulary one word at a time.

Free 11 Plus (11+) Practice Papers and Answers | Thames Christian School Guide

Our 11+ Papers and Answers

The papers we’ve shared below are in similar style to those typically delivered as 11 plus assessments by Thames Christian School.


Test Paper

Model Answers

Mark Scheme


Test Paper


New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.

Exam Information

Exam style — School’s own exam.

Exam types:

  • Maths

  • English

Pass mark — There is no fixed pass mark for the exam.

Exam length — Unknown.

Other exam information

  • There is a £120 registration fee.

  • A report from your child’s current school will be requested as part of the application process.

  • You and your child will be invited to an enrolment interview.

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your child’s vocabulary one word at a time.

You can find all episodes of The Exam Coach Podcast on:

Free 11 Plus (11+) Practice Papers and Answers | St Margaret's School London Guide

11+ Papers and Answers

St Margaret's School, London is part of the London 11+ Consortium. No previous or sample papers have been released for this examination apart from the familiarisation test below


Online Test

New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.

Exam Information

Exam style ATOM Learning’s online assessment for the London Consortium.

Number of exams — 1.

Exam types:

  • Maths

  • Non-Verbal Reasoning

  • English Comprehension

  • Verbal Reasoning

  • Problem Solving

  • Analysis

Exam length — 140 minutes (with a 30-minute break). This will be broken down into:

  • 20 minutes of maths.

  • 10 minutes of non-verbal reasoning.

  • 30 minutes of English comprehension and verbal reasoning.

  • 30-minute break.

  • 15 minutes of problem-solving.

  • 25 minutes for the final analysis component.

Interviews — Children who perform well in the entrance tests are called back for interview; reports from current schools are also taken into account.

Other exam and entry information

  • The 11+ tests take place in the December of Year 6. Students will sit the tests in their current school.

  • The exam is fully online. An onscreen timer will count down how many minutes remain in each section.

  • Questions will be based on the National Curriculum for Year 5, but with opportunities for additional challenge built into the assessment.

  • New questions to assess problem-solving and analysis skills have been added for 2022.

    • The problem-solving section will test a child’s ability to use words and numbers to solve problems with multiple steps.

    • The analysis component asks candidates to use information from a variety of different given sources, in order to answer questions. The context of this section is likely to be unfamiliar to all candidates but in the event of a candidate being familiar with the context, they will not have any advantage.

  • The first three sections of the exam before the break will be adaptive, meaning questions change and are tailored to the student's performance in previous questions. The last two sections of the exam are non-adaptive, and all students will receive the same questions.

  • A non-refundable fee of £100 is charged to sit the 11+ entrance exam for St Margaret's School.

  • Registrations must be submitted by the end of November when your child is in Year 6.

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your child’s vocabulary one word at a time.

You can find all episodes of The Exam Coach Podcast on:

Free 11 Plus (11+) Practice Papers and Answers | North London Collegiate School Guide

Our 11+ Papers and Answers

The papers we’ve shared below are in similar style to those typically delivered as 11 plus assessments by North London Collegiate School.


Test Paper

Model Answers

Mark Scheme


Test Paper


New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.

Other Practice Papers and Answers

North London Collegiate School Sample Papers

English Sample Paper

English Sample Paper (Texts)

Maths Sample Paper

Exam Information

Exam style — School’s own exams.

Exam types:

  • Maths

  • English

Pass mark — There is no fixed pass mark for the exam.

Exam lengths — 1x 80 minutes paper (English) + 1x 60 minute paper (maths).

Other exam information

  • There is a £150 registration fee.

  • The English paper consists of comprehension and creative writing.

  • The entrance exams take place in the December of year 6.

  • Students who perform exceptionally in the exams are invited to attend an informal interview.

  • Offers are released in February.

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your child’s vocabulary one word at a time.

You can find all episodes of The Exam Coach Podcast on:

Free 11 Plus (11+) Practice Papers and Answers | Alleyn's School Guide

Our 11+ Papers and Answers

The papers we’ve shared below are in similar style to those typically delivered as 11 plus assessments by Alleyn's School.


Test Paper

Model Answers

Mark Scheme


Test Paper



Test Paper

Answering Booklet



Test Paper

Answering Booklet



Test Paper

Answering Booklet


New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.

Other Practice Papers and Answers

ISEB Pre-Test Familiarisation Test

Online Practice Test

Alleyn’s English Exam Sample Papers

Sample Paper 1

Sample Paper 2

Alleyn’s Maths Exam Sample Papers

Sample Paper 1

Sample Paper 2

Alleyn's School English Past Paper (2020)

Exam Paper


Exam Information

Exam style — ISEB Common Pre-test (stage 1) and school’s own exam (stage 2).

Exam types:

  • English

  • Maths

  • Verbal Reasoning

  • Non-verbal Reasoning

Exam length — 4 exams totalling 2.5 hours (for the ISEB Pre-Test). 2x 60-70 minute papers (for the school’s own exams.

Pass mark —  There is not a fixed pass mark for the admissions test, however there are around 135 places available at Alleyn’s for 11+ admission.

Other exam information:

  • You can register from July until October in the year before entry.

  • The ISEB Common Pre-test is an online test that assesses English, maths and verbal and non-verbal reasoning

  • Candidates who pass the ISEB Common Pre-test will be invited back in January to complete the school’s own exams.

  • An interview and previous school report are also considered and required as part of the application process.

  • The cost for the application is £150.

For information on Alleyn's School’s use of the ISEB Common Pre-Test for Year 9 entry, click here.

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your child’s vocabulary one word at a time.

You can find all episodes of The Exam Coach Podcast on:

Free 11 Plus (11+) Practice Papers and Answers | Emanuel School Guide

Our 11+ Papers and Answers

The papers we’ve shared below are in similar style to those typically delivered as 11 plus assessments by Emanuel School.


Test Paper

Model Answers

Mark Scheme


Test Paper


New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.

Other Practice Papers and Answers

Emanuel School English Sample Paper 1

Exam Paper

Emanuel School English Sample Paper 2

Exam Paper

Emanuel School Maths Sample Paper 1

Exam Paper

Emanuel School Maths Sample Paper 2

Exam Paper

Exam Information

Exam style — School’s own exam.

Exam types:

  • English

  • Maths

Exam length — 1x 45 minute English exam and 1x 1 hour maths exam.

Pass mark —  There is not a fixed pass mark for the admissions test, however there are 96 places available.

Other exam information:

  • There are three components to receiving an offer: a good school report, high achievement in the entrance examinations and a successful interview.

  • There is a registration fee of £145.

  • Interviews take place in the Autumn term, the year before entry.

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your child’s vocabulary one word at a time.

You can find all episodes of The Exam Coach Podcast on:

Free 11 Plus (11+) Practice Papers and Answers | Eaton Square Senior School Guide

11+ Papers and Answers

The papers we’ve shared above are in a similar style to those typically delivered as 11 plus assessments by Eaton Square Senior School.


Example Questions


Parent’s Guide

New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.

Exam Information

Exam style — CAT4.

Exam types:

  • CAT4 (verbal, non-verbal, spatial and quantitative reasoning)

Exam length — 72 minutes.

The CAT4 test is composed of 8 short tests assessing the following subsections of the four areas above:

  1. Figure Classification (10 mins)

  2. Figure Matrices (10 mins)

  3. Verbal Classification (8 mins)

  4. Verbal Analogies (8 mins)

  5. Number Analogies (10 mins)

  6. Number Series (8 mins)

  7. Figure Analysis (9 mins)

  8. Figure Recognition (9 mins)

Pass mark — There is not a fixed pass mark for the admissions tests.

Other exam and entry information

  • A non-refundable registration fee of £150 is paid to the school.

  • The CAT4 Test is an online assessment that examines verbal, non-verbal, spacial and quantitive reasoning.

  • The assessment will take place between the November and January of year 6.

  • A confidential reference will be requested from the applicant’s current school alongside their latest school report.

  • Applicants will also be invited to sit an interview with a senior member of staff.

For information on Eaton Square Senior School’s use of the ISEB Common Pre-Test for Year 9 entry, click here.

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your child’s vocabulary one word at a time.

You can find all episodes of The Exam Coach Podcast on:

Free 11 Plus (11+) Practice Papers and Answers | Bromley High School GDST Guide

Our 11+ Papers and Answers

The papers we’ve shared below are in similar style to those typically delivered as 11 plus assessments by Bromley High School.


Test Paper

Model Answers

Mark Scheme


Test Paper


New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.

Other Practice Papers and Answers


Example Questions


Parent’s Guide

Exam Information

Exam style — School’s own exam and CAT4.

Exam types:

  • English

  • Maths

  • Verbal, non-verbal, spatial and quantitative reasoning (CAT4).

Exam length — 72 minutes (CAT4).

The CAT4 test is composed of 8 short tests assessing the following subsections of the four areas above:

  1. Figure Classification (10 mins)

  2. Figure Matrices (10 mins)

  3. Verbal Classification (8 mins)

  4. Verbal Analogies (8 mins)

  5. Number Analogies (10 mins)

  6. Number Series (8 mins)

  7. Figure Analysis (9 mins)

  8. Figure Recognition (9 mins)

Pass mark —  There is no fixed pass mark for the admissions tests however 60 year 7 places are available for external applicants each year.

Other exam information:

  • The CAT4 test is administered by GL Assessment and is an online assessment that examines verbal, non-verbal, spatial and quantitative reasoning.

  • After the CAT4, there will be a creative writing task and mathematics exercise.

  • Examinations are held in the December of year 6.

  • Offers are sent out in February.

  • There is a non-refundable application fee of £125.

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your child’s vocabulary one word at a time.

You can find all episodes of The Exam Coach Podcast on:

Free 11 Plus (11+) Practice Papers and Answers | Dulwich College Guide

11+ Papers and Answers

The papers we’ve shared above are in a similar style to those typically delivered as 11 plus assessments by Dulwich College.


Test Paper

Model Answers

Mark Scheme


Test Paper


New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.

Exam Information

Exam style — School’s own exam.

Exam types:

  • Maths

  • English

  • Verbal Reasoning

  • Non-Verbal Reasoning

Exam length — Unknown.

Pass mark — There is no fixed pass mark for the exams.

Other exam and entry information

  • There are two stages of entry exams.

    • Stage One: Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning

    • Stage Two: English and Maths

  • The registration form can be filled out online or on paper.

  • The stage one exams are taken in the November of Year 6, stage two in the December.

  • Reports from the applicant's current school will be required as part of the application process. They can be delivered on the day the applicant spends the day at school.

  • References from the applicant's current school will be requested as part of the application process.

  • Applicants will be invited to sit an interview in the following January.

For information on Dulwich College’s use of the ISEB Common Pre-Test for Year 9 entry, click here.

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your child’s vocabulary one word at a time.

You can find all episodes of The Exam Coach Podcast on: