CEM — 11+ Practice Papers and Answers


Ampleforth College | Free 11 Plus (11+) Practice Papers and Answers

Our Practice Papers and Answers

The papers weโ€™ve shared below contain similar content to the papers typically delivered as 11 Plus assessments by Ampleforth College.


Test Paper

Answering Booklet



Test Paper

Answering Booklet


New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.

Other CEM Sample Papers and Answers

CEM Select Online Familiarisation Test

Online Test

Verbal Reasoning

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Non-Verbal Reasoning

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Numerical Reasoning/Maths

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Exam Information

Exam style โ€” CEM Select.

Exam types:

  • Verbal Reasoning

  • Non-Verbal Reasoning

  • Mathematics/Numerical Reasoning

Exam length โ€” 1 ร— 60 minute exams.

Pass mark โ€”  Different each year. 

Other exam information โ€” The exam is completed independently, working at a computer guided by on-screen instructions. All questions are multiple choice. 

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your childโ€™s vocabulary one word at a time.

You can find all 300+ episodes of The 11 Plus Daily Vocab Show Podcast on:

Related Posts

11 Plus (11+) Online Tuition

11 Plus (11+) Tuition Schedule

Gateways School | Free 11 Plus (11+) Practice Papers and Answers

Our Practice Papers and Answers

The papers weโ€™ve shared below contain similar content to the papers typically delivered as 11 Plus assessments by Gateways School.


Test Paper

Answering Booklet



Test Paper

Answering Booklet


New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.

Other CEM Sample Papers and Answers

CEM Select Online Familiarisation Test

Online Test

Verbal Reasoning

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Non-Verbal Reasoning

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Numerical Reasoning/Maths

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Exam Information

Exam style โ€” CEM Select.

Exam types:

  • Verbal Reasoning

  • Non-Verbal Reasoning

  • Mathematics/Numerical Reasoning

Exam length โ€” 1 ร— 60 minute exams.

Pass mark โ€”  Different each year. 

Other exam information โ€” The exam is completed independently, working at a computer guided by on-screen instructions. All questions are multiple choice. 

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your childโ€™s vocabulary one word at a time.

You can find all 300+ episodes of The 11 Plus Daily Vocab Show Podcast on:

Related Posts

11 Plus (11+) Online Tuition

11 Plus (11+) Tuition Schedule

Reading Girlsโ€™ School | Free 11 Plus (11+) Practice Papers and Answers

Our Practice Papers and Answers


Test Paper

Answering Booklet



Test Paper

Answering Booklet


The papers weโ€™ve shared above are in a similar style to CEM test papers and those typically delivered as 11 Plus assessments by Reading Girlsโ€™ School.

New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.

Other CEM Sample Papers and Answers

CEM Select Online Familiarisation Test

Online Test

Verbal Reasoning

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Non-Verbal Reasoning

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Numerical Reasoning/Maths

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


The papers weโ€™ve shared above are in a similar style to those typically delivered as 11 Plus test papers by Reading Girlsโ€™ School.

About the School


Address โ€” Reading Girlsโ€™ School, Northumberland Avenue, Reading, Berkshire, RG2 7PY

County โ€” Berkshire

Type of school โ€” Girls comprehensive school with selective stream

Cost โ€” Free

Pupils in school โ€” 500+

Places available in year 7 โ€” 170+

Average applicants per place โ€” 6 or more

Catchment area โ€”  Girls living nearest the school being accorded priority, as measured in a straight line from the school to the home address.

Priority is given to children who meet the following criteria in the following order:

  1. Children in care or who have been in care.

  2. Up to 42 places may be selected by ability assessed by means of the selection tests and ranked according to the results of the tests.

  3. Girls who have strong medical or social grounds for admission provided that the application is fully supported by written confirmation from the professional involved in the case, which states that Reading Girlsโ€™ School is in their professional opinion the appropriate school for the pupil to attend for specific medical or social reasons.

  4. Girls who have a sibling who currently attends the school and who will reasonably be considered to attend the school on the date of admission.

  5. Girls living nearest the school being accorded priority, as measured in a straight line from the school to the home address. Distance is measured on the straight line between Ordnance Survey data points for the home address and the school using Reading Borough Councilโ€™s digital mapping software.

School Summary

Reading Girlsโ€™ School was founded in 1818 and is a partially selective, girls-only bilateral school. It is a relatively small secondary school but is known for its focus on business and enterprise. The school became an academy in 2017.

Reading Girls' School is in the top 1% of all schools nationally.

Find the most recent Ofsted reports here.

Compare this schoolโ€™s performance with other local schools here.

Exam Information

Exam style โ€” CEM Select online 11 Plus.

Exam types:

  • Verbal Reasoning

  • Non-Verbal Reasoning

  • Mathematics/Numerical Reasoning

Exam length โ€” 1 ร— 60 minute exams.

Pass mark โ€”  Different each year. 

Other exam information โ€” The exam is completed independently, working at a computer guided by on-screen instructions. All questions are multiple choice. 

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your childโ€™s vocabulary one word at a time.

You can find all 300+ episodes of The 11 Plus Daily Vocab Show Podcast on:

Related Posts

11 Plus (11+) Online Tuition

11 Plus (11+) Tuition Schedule

The Folkestone School for Girls | Free 11 Plus (11+) Practice Papers and Answers

Our Practice Papers and Answers


Test Paper

Answering Booklet


The test papers weโ€™ve shared above are in a similar style to the Kent Test papers and those typically delivered as 11 Plus assessments by The Folkestone School for Girls.

New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.

Other Sample Papers and Answers


Online Test

Kent Test - English Paper 1

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Kent Test - English Paper 2

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Kent Test - English Paper 3

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Kent Test - Maths Paper 1

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Kent Test - Maths Paper 2

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Kent Test - Maths Paper 3

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Kent Test - Verbal Reasoning Paper 1

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Kent Test - Verbal Reasoning Paper 2

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Kent Test - Verbal Reasoning Paper 3

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Kent Test - Non-Verbal Reasoning Paper 1

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Kent Test - Non-Verbal Reasoning Paper 2

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Kent Test - Non-Verbal Reasoning Paper 3

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


The 11 Plus test papers weโ€™ve shared above are in a similar style to those typically delivered as 11 Plus assessments by The Folkestone School for Girls.

About the School


Address โ€” The Folkstone School for Girls, Coolinge Lane, Folkestone, Kent, CT20 3RB

Type of school โ€” Girlsโ€™ grammar school

Cost โ€” Free

Pupils in school โ€” 1200+

Places available in year 7 โ€” 180+

Average applicants per place โ€” 2 or more

Catchment area โ€”  The Folkestone School for Girls does have a catchment area which is based on distance from the school. It is made up of the District of Folkestone & Hythe.

The Folkestone School for Girls Catchment Area.

Oversubscription policy โ€” Before the application of oversubscription criteria, students with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) which names the school and who have passed the assessment will be admitted. As a result of this the published admissions number will be reduced accordingly.

Where qualifying applications for admission exceed the number of places available, places will be allocated in the following order of priority:

  1. Children who are looked after and previously looked after children.

  2. Children who reside in the District of Folkestone & Hythe - in the event of the number of successful students in Folkestone & Hythe exceeding the number of places available, the nearness of a childโ€™s home to school will apply.

  3. Other girls who satisfy the selection requirements, with those living nearest to the school being given the higher priority.

School Summary

The Folkestone School for Girls was established in 1905 and is an all-girlsโ€™ grammar school in Folkestone, Kent. It became an academy in 2012 and has a large sixth form. Students are split across six houses: Austen, Curie, Johnson, Lovelace, Pankhurst and Seacole.

The school specialist in maths and computing. It is also a registered training school. FGS works with the local boysโ€™ grammar school (The Harvey Grammar School) to extend the range of sixth form programmes to students in both schools. The school also has a partnership with Marsh Academy.

Find the most recent Ofsted reports here.

Compare this schoolโ€™s performance with other local schools here.

Exam Information

There are two different 11 plus exams for entry to this school, The Shepway Test and the Kent Test. Both tests are different. Children must take both tests.


Exam style โ€” CEM Select

Exam topic:

  • Reasoning

    • Verbal, non-verbal and spatial

  • English and maths

  • Creative writing

Exam length โ€” 1 hour written exam. 45 minutes online exam.

Pass rate โ€” Changes each year but is usually higher than The Kent Test as students do not need to achieve a minimum mark in any one section to pass (unlike the Kent test). As long as their overall mark is high enough, they are eligible for entry.

Other exam information:

  • The Folkestone School for Girls and the Harvey Boys Grammar School run โ€˜The Shepway Testโ€™. 

  • The written test is marked by the school. The online test is marked by CEM.

  • The written test consists of half an hour of creative writing and half an hour of other questions.

  • The online test is a computer based test which assesses verbal reasoning, non verbal reasoning and mathematics.

    •  The test consists of several sections. They are timed. 

    • The questions move between topics and are not split into seperate sections. 

  • The Shepway Test effectively gives students a second chance to show that they are of selective ability. Students only have to achieve the required standard on one of the tests in order to be deemed selective.

  • The Shepway test is held at the Folkestone School for girls.


Exam style โ€”GL Assessment/The Kent Test

Exam topic:

  • Reasoning

    • Verbal, non-verbal and spatial

  • English and maths

  • Creative writing

Exam length โ€” 2 x 1 hour exams + a 40-minute writing exercise.

Pass rate โ€” In recent years, 15,000+ applicants took the Kent test; only 6,500 passed.

Other exam information:

  • The reasoning, English and maths tests are multiple-choice with a separate answer sheet.

  • The first test will be an English and Maths paper. Each section will include a 5 minute practice exercise followed by a 25 minute test. The English section will involve a comprehension exercise as well as some additional questions drawn from a set designed to test literacy skills.

  • The second test will be the reasoning paper. It will take about 1 hour, including the practice sections and questions. It will contain a verbal reasoning section and a non-verbal reasoning section of roughly the same length. The non-verbal reasoning will be split into short sections, administered and timed individually.

  • Finally, there will also be a writing exercise which will not be marked but may be used by a local headteacher panel as part of the headteacher assessment stage of the process. 40 minutes will be allowed for the writing task, including 10 minutes planning time.


  • Your child will get three standardised scores (one for English, one for maths and one for reasoning) and a total (aggregate) score.

  • Standardisation is a statistical process which compares your child's performance with the average performance of other children in each test. A slight adjustment is made to take account of each child's age so that the youngest are not at a disadvantage.

Pass mark:

To qualify, children needed a total score of 332 or more, with no single score lower than 108. Test scores range from 69 to 141. The highest possible total score is 423.

If your child did not reach this threshold score and their primary school referred their case to the local Head Teacher Assessment Panel, the panel will have looked at their achievement in school and examples of their work, including the writing task completed on the day, before a final decision was made.

Please note that a score of over 332 does NOT mean your child is guaranteed a place at your chosen school.

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your childโ€™s vocabulary one word at a time.

You can find all 300+ episodes of The 11 Plus Daily Vocab Show Podcast on:

Related Posts

11 Plus (11+) Online Tuition

11 Plus (11+) Tuition Schedule

Highsted Grammar School | Free 11 Plus (11+) Practice Papers and Answers

Our Practice Papers and Answers


Test Paper

Answering Booklet


The test papers weโ€™ve shared above are in a similar style to the Kent Test papers and those typically delivered as 11 Plus assessments by Highsted Grammar School.

New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.

Other Sample Papers and Answers

Kent Test

English Paper 1

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


English Paper 2

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


English Paper 3

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Maths Paper 1

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Maths Paper 2

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Maths Paper 3

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Verbal Reasoning Paper 1

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Verbal Reasoning Paper 2

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Verbal Reasoning Paper 3

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Non-Verbal Reasoning Paper 1

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Non-Verbal Reasoning Paper 2

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Non-Verbal Reasoning Paper 3

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Highsted Test


Online Test

The 11 Plus test papers weโ€™ve shared above are in a similar style to those typically delivered as 11 Plus assessments by Highsted Grammar School.

About the School


Address โ€” Highsted Grammar School, Highsted Road, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 4PT

Type of school โ€” Girlsโ€™ grammar school

Cost โ€” Free

Pupils in school โ€” 900+

Places available in year 7 โ€” 120+

Average applicants per place โ€” 3 or more

Catchment area โ€”  Highsted Grammar School does have a catchment area which is based on distance from the school. 

Oversubscription policy โ€” Before the application of oversubscription criteria, students with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) which names the school and who have passed the assessment will be admitted. As a result of this the published admissions number will be reduced accordingly.

Where qualifying applications for admission exceed the number of places available, places will be allocated in the following order of priority:

  1.  Children who are in Local Authority Care.

  2. Children in receipt of Pupil Premium. 

  3. Children who have a sibling who will be attending the school when the applicant joins.

  4. Children who live the nearest to the school. (Using the distance between the childโ€™s permanent home address and the school, measured in a straight line).

School Summary

Highsted Grammar School was established in 1904 and is an all-girls grammar school in Sittingbourne, Kent. It was previously known as Sittingbourne High School for Girls and in 2010 it became an academy. 

The school specialises in science and runs an Aim High club for pupils at local primary schools which encourages interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths). Highsted has won the Investors in People award, Sportsmark award, healthy schools award and the ECO schools silver award.

Find the most recent Ofsted reports here.

Compare this schoolโ€™s performance with other local schools here.

Exam Information

There are two different possible 11 plus exams for entry to this school, The Kent Test and the Highsted Test. Both tests are different, but children do not need to take both tests.


Exam style โ€”GL Assessment/The Kent Test

Exam topic:

  • Reasoning

    • Verbal, non-verbal and spatial

  • English and maths

  • Creative writing

Exam length โ€” 2 x 1 hour exams + a 40-minute writing exercise.

Pass rate โ€” In recent years, 15,000+ applicants took the Kent test; only 6,500 passed.

Other exam information:

  • The reasoning, English and maths tests are multiple-choice with a separate answer sheet.

  • The first test will be an English and Maths paper. Each section will include a 5 minute practice exercise followed by a 25 minute test. The English section will involve a comprehension exercise as well as some additional questions drawn from a set designed to test literacy skills.

  • The second test will be the reasoning paper. It will take about 1 hour, including the practice sections and questions. It will contain a verbal reasoning section and a non-verbal reasoning section of roughly the same length. The non-verbal reasoning will be split into short sections, administered and timed individually.

  • Finally, there will also be a writing exercise which will not be marked but may be used by a local headteacher panel as part of the headteacher assessment stage of the process. 40 minutes will be allowed for the writing task, including 10 minutes planning time.


  • Your child will get three standardised scores (one for English, one for maths and one for reasoning) and a total (aggregate) score.

  • Standardisation is a statistical process which compares your child's performance with the average performance of other children in each test. A slight adjustment is made to take account of each child's age so that the youngest are not at a disadvantage.

Pass mark:

To qualify, children needed a total score of 332 or more, with no single score lower than 108. Test scores range from 69 to 141. The highest possible total score is 423.

If your child did not reach this threshold score and their primary school referred their case to the local Head Teacher Assessment Panel, the panel will have looked at their achievement in school and examples of their work, including the writing task completed on the day, before a final decision was made.

Please note that a score of over 332 does NOT mean your child is guaranteed a place at your chosen school.


Exam style โ€” CEM Select/School written exam

Exam topics:

  • A CEM Select computer-based test to assess verbal ability, numeracy and non-verbal reasoning.

  • An English paper to assess reading and writing skills.

Pass mark โ€” The pass mark changes each year and depends on the range of the results the local children achieve on the tests. The pass mark correspond approximately with that which would be attained or exceeded by 25% of the age group nationally.

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your childโ€™s vocabulary one word at a time.

You can find all 300+ episodes of The 11 Plus Daily Vocab Show Podcast on:

Related Posts

11 Plus (11+) Online Tuition

11 Plus (11+) Tuition Schedule

Thomas's Battersea Senior School | Free 11 Plus (11+) Practice Papers and Answers

Our Practice Papers and Answers

Thomas's Battersea Senior School do not release any sample papers for their 11+ entrance exam. The papers weโ€™ve shared below contain similar content to the exams typically delivered as 11 Plus pre-test assessments by Thomas's Battersea Senior School.


Test Paper

Answering Booklet



Test Paper

Answering Booklet


New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.

CEM Select Online Familiarisation Test

Online Test

Exam Information

Exam style โ€” CEM Select.

Exam types:

  • Maths

  • Verbal reasoning

  • Non-verbal reasoning

Exam length โ€” 75 minutes.

Other exam information

  • The assessment is completed online. All questions are in a multiple-choice format.

  • As part of the application process, your child must attend a โ€˜Discovery Dayโ€™ in the January of Year 6.

  • A report and recommendation from the studentโ€™s current school are also required.

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your childโ€™s vocabulary one word at a time.

You can find all 300+ episodes of The 11 Plus Daily Vocab Show Podcast on:

Related Posts

11 Plus (11+) Online Tuition

11 Plus (11+) Tuition Schedule

The Harvey Grammar School | Free 11 Plus (11+) Practice Papers and Answers

Our Practice Papers and Answers


Test Paper

Answering Booklet


The test papers weโ€™ve shared above are in a similar style to the Kent Test papers and those typically delivered as 11 Plus assessments by The Harvey Grammar School.

New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.

Other Sample Papers and Answers


Online Test

English Paper 1

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


English Paper 2

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


English Paper 3

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Maths Paper 1

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Maths Paper 2

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Maths Paper 3

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Verbal Reasoning Paper 1

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Verbal Reasoning Paper 2

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Verbal Reasoning Paper 3

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Non-Verbal Reasoning Paper 1

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Non-Verbal Reasoning Paper 2

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Non-Verbal Reasoning Paper 3

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


The 11 Plus test papers weโ€™ve shared above are in a similar style to those typically delivered as 11 Plus assessments by The Harvey Grammar School.

About the School


Address โ€” The Harvey Grammar School, Cheriton Road, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 5JY

Type of school โ€” Boysโ€™ grammar school

Cost โ€” Free

Pupils in school โ€” 1000+

Places available in year 7 โ€” 150+

Average applicants per place โ€” 3 or more

Catchment area โ€” The Harvey Grammar School does have a catchment area which is based on distance from the school. It is made up of the District of Folkestone & Hythe.

The Harvey Grammar School Catchment Area.

Oversubscription policy โ€” Before the application of oversubscription criteria, students with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) which names the school and who have passed the assessment will be admitted. As a result of this the published admissions number will be reduced accordingly.

Where qualifying applications for admission exceed the number of places available, places will be allocated in the following order of priority:

  1. Children who are looked after and previously looked after children.

  2. Children who reside in the District of Folkestone & Hythe - in the event of the number of successful students in Folkestone & Hythe exceeding the number of places available, the nearness of a childโ€™s home to school will apply.

  3. Other girls who satisfy the selection requirements, with those living nearest to the school being given the higher priority.

School Summary

The Harvey Grammar School (HGS) was established in 1674 by the family of Dr. William Harvey. Today it is an all-boysโ€™ grammar school in Folkestone, Kent. The school has an attached sixth form and became an academy in 2012. Pupils are split into four houses: Discovery, Endeavour, Resolution and Victory.

HGS specialises in sport and maths. It has been award Health Schools status and a Quality Mark. The school works with the local girlsโ€™ grammar school (The Folkestone School for Girls) to extend the range of sixth form programmes to students in both schools. 

Find the most recent Ofsted reports here.

Compare this schoolโ€™s performance with other local schools here.

Exam Information

There are two different 11 plus exams for entry to this school, The Shepway Test and the Kent Test. Both tests are different. Children must take both tests.


Exam style โ€” CEM Select

Exam topic:

  • Reasoning

    • Verbal, non-verbal and spatial

  • English and maths

  • Creative writing

Exam length โ€” 1 hour written exam. 45 minutes online exam.

Pass rate โ€” Changes each year but is usually higher than The Kent Test as students do not need to achieve a minimum mark in any one section to pass (unlike the Kent test). As long as their overall mark is high enough, they are eligible for entry.

Other exam information:

  • The Folkestone School for Girls and the Harvey Boys Grammar School run โ€˜The Shepway Testโ€™. 

  • The written test is marked by the school. The online test is marked by CEM.

  • The written test consists of half an hour of creative writing and half an hour of other questions.

  • The online test is a computer based test which assesses verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning and mathematics.

    •  The test consists of several sections. They are timed. 

    • The questions move between topics and are not split into separate sections. 

  • The Shepway Test effectively gives students a second chance to show that they are of selective ability. Students only have to achieve the required standard on one of the tests in order to be deemed selective.

  • The Shepway test is held at the Folkestone School for girls.

The Kent Test

Exam style โ€”GL Assessment/The Kent Test

Exam topic:

  • Reasoning

    • Verbal, non-verbal and spatial

  • English and maths

  • Creative writing

Exam length โ€” 2 x 1 hour exams + a 40-minute writing exercise.

Pass rate โ€” In recent years, 15,000+ applicants took the Kent test; only 6,500 passed.

Other exam information:

  • The reasoning, English and maths tests are multiple-choice with a separate answer sheet.

  • The first test will be an English and Maths paper. Each section will include a 5 minute practice exercise followed by a 25 minute test. The English section will involve a comprehension exercise as well as some additional questions drawn from a set designed to test literacy skills.

  • The second test will be the reasoning paper. It will take about 1 hour, including the practice sections and questions. It will contain a verbal reasoning section and a non-verbal reasoning section of roughly the same length. The non-verbal reasoning will be split into short sections, administered and timed individually.

  • Finally, there will also be a writing exercise which will not be marked but may be used by a local headteacher panel as part of the headteacher assessment stage of the process. 40 minutes will be allowed for the writing task, including 10 minutes planning time.


  • Your child will get three standardised scores (one for English, one for maths and one for reasoning) and a total (aggregate) score.

  • Standardisation is a statistical process which compares your child's performance with the average performance of other children in each test. A slight adjustment is made to take account of each child's age so that the youngest are not at a disadvantage.

Pass mark:

To qualify, children needed a total score of 332 or more, with no single score lower than 108. Test scores range from 69 to 141. The highest possible total score is 423.

If your child did not reach this threshold score and their primary school referred their case to the local Head Teacher Assessment Panel, the panel will have looked at their achievement in school and examples of their work, including the writing task completed on the day, before a final decision was made.

Please note that a score of over 332 does NOT mean your child is guaranteed a place at your chosen school.

Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your childโ€™s vocabulary one word at a time.

You can find all 300+ episodes of The 11 Plus Daily Vocab Show Podcast on:

Related Posts

11 Plus (11+) Online Tuition

11 Plus (11+) Tuition Schedule