Our Practice Papers and Answers
The papers we’ve shared above are in a similar style to GL test papers and those typically delivered as 11 Plus assessments by John Hampden Grammar School.
New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.
Other GL Sample Papers and Answers
English Paper 1
English Paper 2
English Paper 3
Maths Paper 1
Maths Paper 2
Maths Paper 3
Verbal Reasoning Paper 1
Verbal Reasoning Paper 2
Verbal Reasoning Paper 3
Non-Verbal Reasoning Paper 1
Non-Verbal Reasoning Paper 2
Non-Verbal Reasoning Paper 3
The papers we’ve shared above are in a similar style to those typically delivered as 11 Plus test papers by John Hampden Grammar School.
About the School
Address — John Hampden Grammar School, Marlow Hill, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP11 1SZ
Type of school — Boys’ grammar school
Cost — Free
Pupils in school — 1100+
Places available in year 7 — 180+
Average applicants per place — Unknown but only around 30% of applicants pass the exam.
Catchment area — John Hampden Grammar School does have a catchment area.
Enter your postcode into Buckinghamshire Council's catchment area checker here.
Oversubscription policy - Candidates will only be considered eligible for admission if they meet the required qualifying score of 121 in the Buckinghamshire Secondary Transfer Test (STT).
Where qualifying applications for admission exceed the number of places available, places will be allocated in the following order of priority:
Looked after or previously looked after boys who have scored a mark above 115.
Boys eligible for Pupil Premium (P.P.) or Service Premium (S.P.) who have scored a mark of 115-120 in the Admissions Test and who reside in the Catchment Area.
Other boys eligible for P.P. or for S.P. who have achieved the qualifying mark of 121 or more in the Admissions Test and who reside in the Catchment Area.
Brothers of siblings in Years 7-12 who are on the roll of the School at the time allocations are made and who will be on the roll of the School at the time of the proposed admission.
Boys who have exceptional medical or social needs which can only be met at the School supported by evidence as set out in the County Scheme. See paragraph 8 below.
Sons of staff who are employed on a permanent contract at the School where the member of staff has been employed at the School for two or more years at the time the application for admission is made, or the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skills shortage.
Boys living in the Priority Area A* of the School.
Boys living in the Priority Area B** of the School.
All other boys will be offered in distance order where those living closest to the School will be given priority.
*Priority Area A covers High Wycombe, part of South Buckinghamshire and some outlying villages.
**Priority Area B, which covers parts of South Buckinghamshire and Maidenhead.
School Summary
John Hampden Grammar School (JHGS) was founded in 1893. Back then it was known as the School of Science and Art. Today, it is an all-boys grammar school named after local MP John Hampden.
The school specialises in technology, sports and art. In 2011, it became an academy.
Find the most recent Ofsted reports here.
Compare this school’s performance with other local schools here.
Exam Information
Exam style — GL Assessment.
Exam types:
Verbal reasoning
Non-verbal reasoning
Exam length — 2 × 45 minute exams.
Qualifying Score — 121 or above.
This score is calculated by age-standardising the child’s scores and adding the marks from both exams together. The topics have the following weighting: 50% verbal reasoning; 25% maths and 25% non-verbal reasoning.
Other exam information —
The first paper includes: comprehension, technical English and verbal reasoning.
The second paper includes: non-verbal reasoning, spatial reasoning and maths.
Questions must be answered in the separate answer booklet provided.
Score will be standardised.
Contact information
Website — https://www.jhgs.bucks.sch.uk/
Contact — https://www.jhgs.bucks.sch.uk/6/contact
Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/JHGSHW/
Twitter — https://twitter.com/JHGSHW
YouTube — https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG1ANbgSHcn9gbGJV6ls1VA
Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/johnhampdengrammarschool/
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🧠 How To Prepare For 11 Plus (11+) Verbal Reasoning — A Complete Guide
📖 How To Prepare For 11 Plus (11+) Comprehension — A Complete Guide
✏️ How To Prepare For 11 Plus (11+) Creative Writing — A Complete Guide
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