11+ Papers and Answers
Godolphin and Latymer School is part of the London 11+ Consortium. No previous or sample papers have been released for this examination apart from the familiarisation test below
New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.
Exam Information
Exam style — ATOM Learning’s online assessment for the London Consortium.
Number of exams — 1.
Exam types:
Non-Verbal Reasoning
English Comprehension
Verbal Reasoning
Problem Solving
Exam length — 140 minutes (with a 30-minute break). This will be broken down into:
20 minutes of maths.
10 minutes of non-verbal reasoning.
30 minutes of English comprehension and verbal reasoning.
30-minute break.
15 minutes of problem-solving.
25 minutes for the final analysis component.
Interviews — Children who perform well in the entrance tests are called back for interview; reports from current schools are also taken into account.
Other exam and entry information:
The 11+ tests take place in the December of Year 6. Students will sit the tests in their current school.
The exam is fully online. An onscreen timer will count down how many minutes remain in each section.
Questions will be based on the National Curriculum for Year 5, but with opportunities for additional challenge built into the assessment.
New questions to assess problem-solving and analysis skills have been added for 2022.
The problem-solving section will test a child’s ability to use words and numbers to solve problems with multiple steps.
The analysis component asks candidates to use information from a variety of different given sources, in order to answer questions. The context of this section is likely to be unfamiliar to all candidates but in the event of a candidate being familiar with the context, they will not have any advantage.
The first three sections of the exam before the break will be adaptive, meaning questions change and are tailored to the student's performance in previous questions. The last two sections of the exam are non-adaptive, and all students will receive the same questions.
A non-refundable fee of £150 is charged to sit the 11+ entrance exam for Godolphin and Latymer School.
Registrations must be submitted by the end of November when your child is in Year 6.
Eleven Bonus Resources For 11 Plus Success
✅ Free Weekly 11 Plus English, Maths and Verbal Reasoning Testing
🏫 11 Plus (11+) Independent Schools’ Entrance Exams Explained
🧠 How To Prepare For 11 Plus (11+) Verbal Reasoning — A Complete Guide
📖 How To Prepare For 11 Plus (11+) Comprehension — A Complete Guide
✏️ How To Prepare For 11 Plus (11+) Creative Writing — A Complete Guide
Have a listen to our 11 Plus Vocabulary Podcast and expand your child’s vocabulary one word at a time.
You can find all 300+ episodes of The 11 Plus Daily Vocab Show Podcast on: