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Free 11 Plus (11+) Practice Papers and Answers | Colchester Royal Grammar School (CRGS) Guide


  1. Practice Papers and Answers

  2. About the School

  3. School Summary

  4. Exam Information

  5. Contact Information

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Practice Papers and Answers

English Paper 1

Exam Paper (Comprehension)

Exam Paper (Creative Writing)

Answers (Comprehension)

Mark Scheme (Creative Writing)

English Paper 2

Exam Paper (Comprehension and Creative Writing)

Answers (Comprehension)

Mark Scheme (Creative Writing)

English Paper 3

Exam Paper (Comprehension)

Exam Paper (Creative Writing)

Answers (Comprehension)

Mark Scheme (Creative Writing)

Maths Paper 1

Exam Paper


Maths Paper 2

Exam Paper


Maths Paper 3

Exam Paper


The papers we’ve shared above are in a similar style to those typically delivered as 11 Plus assessments by Colchester Royal Grammar School (CRGS).

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About the School

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Address — Colchester Royal Grammar School, Lexden Road, Colchester, Essex, CO3 3ND

Type of school — Boys’ grammar school with optional sixth form boarding.

Headteacher — Mr John Russell

Cost — Education is free, but all boarding costs are paid.

Boarding fees for 2021 entry are fixed for 2 years and are £4,725 per term.

Pupils in school — 1004 

Places available in year 7 —  128

Average applicants per place — 9 or more.

Catchment area —  Colchester Royal Grammar School has a catchment area. The school give priority based on location and distance from the school building (closest first).

Oversubscription policy — Where qualifying applications for admission exceed the number of places available, places will be allocated in the following order of priority:

  1. Looked after (or previously looked after) children who have named CRGS as a preferred school and who score more than 320 in the selection tests. (Up to 12 places).

  2. Children who receive free school meals or pupil premium who have named CRGS as a preferred school and who score more than 320 in the selection tests. (Up to 12 places).

  3. The remaining places will then be offered in descending rank order of marks to the boys scoring highest in the selection tests.

Where two or more applicants achieve the same rank, preference will first be given to the child in care/eligible for the pupil premium/eligible for free schools meals. If this is not applicable, the boy living closest to the school by straight line measurement will be awarded the place (measured from the school main entrance front doors).

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School Summary

Colchester Royal Grammar School is a boys’ grammar school in Colchester, Essex. It was established in 1206 and has a mixed sixth form, allowing both boys and girls. Boys are able to board at the school for sixth form.

The school became an academy in 2012 and specialises in science. In 2013, it was recognised as a National Support and Teaching School. The school’s sixth form often ranks highly for A-Level results. CRGS is ranked 27th in the country for Oxbridge admissions.  

This school is part of the Consortium of Selective Schools in Essex:

CSSE Members. (Source)

Ofsted rated this school as ‘outstanding’ in 2007. Find their reports here.

Compare this school’s performance with other local schools here.

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Exam Information

Exam style — The Consortium of Selective Schools in Essex (CSSE).

Exam topics:

  • English and Verbal Reasoning

  • Maths and Non-Verbal Reasoning

Exam length — 2 × 1 hour exams (plus 10 minutes reading time).

Qualifying score —  Changes each year.

In 2016, the lowest qualifying score was 350.

Other exam information:

  • The English paper will consist of comprehension, grammar and vocabulary, creative/extended writing, and applied reasoning (literacy and verbal). 

  • The Mathematics paper will consist of questions consistent with KS2 National curriculum and applied reasoning (mathematical/non-verbal).

  • The overall score will have a 50:50 weighting - English (50%) and Mathematics (50%).

  • Score will be aggregated and mathematically standardised for each candidate.

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Contact information







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