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Free 11 Plus (11+) Practice Papers and Answers | Carre’s Grammar School Guide


  1. Our Practice Papers and Answers

  2. Other Sample Papers and Answers

  3. About the School

  4. School Summary

  5. Exam Information

  6. Contact Information

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Our Practice Papers and Answers


Test Paper

Answering Booklet



Test Paper

Answering Booklet


The papers we’ve shared above are in a similar style to GL papers and those typically delivered as 11 Plus assessments by Carre’s Grammar School.

New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form at the top of the page.

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Other GL Sample Papers and Answers

Verbal Reasoning Paper 1

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Verbal Reasoning Paper 2

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Verbal Reasoning Paper 3

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Non-Verbal Reasoning Paper 1

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Non-Verbal Reasoning Paper 2

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


Non-Verbal Reasoning Paper 3

Exam Paper

Answering Booklet


The papers we’ve shared above are in a similar style to those typically delivered as 11 Plus assessments by Carre’s Grammar School.

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About the School

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Address — Carre’s Grammar School, Northgate, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 7DD

Type of school — Boys’ grammar school.

Headteacher — Nick Law

Cost — Free

Pupils in school — 782

Places available in year 7 —  120

Average applicants per place — 4 or more.

Catchment area —  Carre’s Grammar School’s catchment area is based on location/distance from the school. 

They also have feeder primary schools. These are:

  • Ancaster Church of England Primary School

  • Caythorpe Primary School

  • Cranwell Primary School

  • Heckington Church of England Primary School

  • Helpringham Primary School

  • Kirkby La Thorpe Church of England Primary School

  • Leadenham Church of England Primary School

  • Leasingham St Andrew’s Church of England Primary School

  • Metheringham Primary School

  • Navenby Church of England Primary School

  • Rauceby Church of England Primary School

  • Ruskington Chestnut Street Church of England Primary School

  • Ruskington Winchelsea Primary School

  • Sleaford Church Lane Primary School

  • Sleaford Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Primary School

  • Sleaford St Botolph’s Church of England Primary School

  • Sleaford The William Alvey Church of England School 

  • The Welbourn Church of England Primary School

Oversubscription policy —  Candidates will only be considered eligible for admission if they are deemed to be of selective ability as a result of the testing process with a score of 220 or above.

 Where qualifying applications for admission exceed the number of places available, places will be determined as follows:

  1. The child is, or has been in the past, in the care of the Local Authority (a looked after or previously looked after child).

  2. The child is registered for Pupil Premium, that is those registered for Free School Meals at any point in the previous six years (not including Key Stage 1 statutory Free School Meals).

  3. Students who, at the time of admission, have siblings at one of the schools within the Robert Carre Trust.

  4. Students who have attended from the start of Year 6 one of the eighteen named partner primary schools.

  5. Students living closest to the school. 

If two or more children are tied for the last place a lottery will be drawn by an independent person, not employed by the School or working in Children’s Service Directorate at the local authority.

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School Summary

Carre’s Grammar School was established in 1604 and is an all-boys, selective grammar school in Lincolnshire. It is part of the Lincolnshire Consortium of Grammar Schools and became an academy in 2011. Carre’s specialises in sports and science. It became a gifted and talented school in 2009.

 The school has a mixed sixth form which accepts girls as well as boys. This sixth form is part of the Sleaford Joint Sixth Form (SJSF), run in collaboration  with St George’s Academy.

Ofsted rated this school as ‘good’ in 2013. Find their reports here.

Compare this school’s performance with other local schools here.

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Exam Information

Exam style: GL Assessment (Lincolnshire Consortium of Grammar Schools).

Exam types:

  • Verbal Reasoning

  • Non-verbal Reasoning/Spatial Reasoning

Exam length — 2 x 1 hour exams (including instructions and introduction).

Pass mark — 220

The scores from both exams are combined and must total at least 220 to be considered eligible for entry.

Other exam information:

  • All questions will be multiple choice and must be answered in a separate booklet. 

  • Both exam results will be combined to create the final result.

  • Both tests are taken on the same day with a short break in between.

  • Verbal reasoning exam is taken first and consists of 80 questions. 

  • Non-Verbal & Spatial Reasoning exam is taken one week later. This test consists of 70 questions.

Scores will be standardised and age-weighted.

Please note all grammar schools in Lincolnshire (except Caistor Grammar School) sit the same exam and your child will only be able to take it once.

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